dear.. like what u have said in your previous entry.. things have been abit of tipsy topsy recently for the both of us... especially me.. having the frequent mood swings during the nights... but, as i have told you.. i just simply care too much about you and your thinking.. it might sound abit crazy... but, whenever you tell me about the matter(your friend..) which have lingered around us recently.. i really feel the dip of mood to the rock bottom.. i really have this sense of feeling whereby i feel i must react to this situation.. and you added, "at least you will not be going to malaysia.." i am really shocked to hear this statement.. in my mind, i kept telling myself.. i must try to take it easy.. with all the trust i have in you, it should be an easy task to do so.. coz, i really do trust you.. but, somehow, i just have this sense of being afraid that things will happen if i don't react to it.. like, i have always said, that you are simply just a "pillar" in...