
Showing posts from April, 2006

SInce Im back~!!~

dear dear, i admit that since im back, we hasnt been that loving s in like when i was chennai... no~!~ as in msg la.... the rest is still ok.... we still is the best match.... i think.... i may not say sweet stuff... i may not msg u like i did... but u must understand.... no matter where i was... what i doing... i gt msg u or not.... im still missing u... and u r still the one i love.... dear, i love you.... a promise is a promise..... And i promise....

days ahead..

dear.. like what u have said in your previous entry.. things have been abit of tipsy topsy recently for the both of us... especially me.. having the frequent mood swings during the nights... but, as i have told you.. i just simply care too much about you and your thinking.. it might sound abit crazy... but, whenever you tell me about the matter(your friend..) which have lingered around us recently.. i really feel the dip of mood to the rock bottom.. i really have this sense of feeling whereby i feel i must react to this situation.. and you added, "at least you will not be going to malaysia.." i am really shocked to hear this statement.. in my mind, i kept telling myself.. i must try to take it easy.. with all the trust i have in you, it should be an easy task to do so.. coz, i really do trust you.. but, somehow, i just have this sense of being afraid that things will happen if i don't react to it.. like, i have always said, that you are simply just a "pillar" in...

A Promise ~!!~

dear, i understand that recently u have many uncertainty in you cos of someone... dear dear, dun think so much... u are not going to loss me.... i promise... i already promise you the other day le... but u told me to wait till ur bdae then reply... alrite, i shall wait... but still, my feelings dun change, i love you dear... due to my job, i pretty left u out... sorry dear.... i'll make up for the time we loss k? about the pop of question.. hehe... scared me sia... shocked me... but dear, watever it is... i love you... although i keep asking u to pop the question but in actual fact no matter if u pop the question or not, i'll still cont to be ur gf de.... =) and it'll cont all the way.... for the simpliest reason, and that is "I LOVE YOU"

the question...

dear.. you remember the question i asked you the night before... ??? well, i definitely hope that a positive answer will be given... but, like what i have said, please remember... a promise is a promise... :) *muaCkz*

no need for a title...

just dropping by to tell you, i love you, my dear! 3rd day into the official asking from me... wanna hear how you feel abt it... but, guess my answer will gonna take pretty long to be answered... coz of your work commitments... :) *huGz*


a big thanks to my dear! whom took care of me during my sick days... you asked me if i want to listen to the sweet words... the answer is yes... you know.. your dear is always greedy de... =P last but not least.. i miss you! :)